Publishers are the fuel to your Affiliate Program....

Publishers are the fuel to your Affiliate Program....

If you are running a Partner Program, this is what your pubs NEED (but won't tell you)….

- Consistent CVR

High, predictable CVR is better than a high CPA. Most pubs want a solid 8% - 10% CVR rather than a crazy high CPA.

- Capture top of the funnel

First touch attribution to reward content led affiliates. They matter!

- Don't limit scale.

Stop switching your campaign off and on.

- Feedback

Don't test with your pubs. Share what you have learned on your own spends.

- Simplicity

Your funnel should be frictionless. Test for load speed, browsers, mobile etc.

- Create brand stories

Testimonials and videos work. Leverage these assets and share with affiliates

- Share the funnel 

Track beyond the first conversion point and share the info.

- Think retention rather than UA

Turn that $5K sale into bite size chunks (CPL, email sign ups etc)

- Respect your Affiliates

Treat them like your Marketing team (because they are). Take them out. They will remember you when your competitors come knocking.

- Pay fast and pay on time.  

Somehow people forget this....